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Combatiing the fear of failure.


Change can be a scary process and for some even suffocating. So much so they they choose to stay in their comfort zone for far too long. However, over time the exepectation of prediction can numb the soul to the point of depression.

I chose to stay in my comfort zone to the point of isolation. I was scared of stepping out and failing. But sometimes just making the decision to step out takes the most courage and the opportunity to learn the most valuable lesson.

Letting go of outcomes and then surrending is a very brave thing to do.

Choosing to stay safe can prevent humiliation, conflict and confrontation, but what is a life without the experience of change?

At the moment the world is experinceing a surge of accountability in certain sections of the community. The "Me too" movement and the Catholic church are two examples. These sections chose to stay egotistacal and believed they were invinsible. It seems their time has come to be accountable. But there is also another type of acountability. An accountability to ourselves to join the tribe of warriors brave enough to take that leap of faith. It can take can take a lot of guts, especially when some people may not support your choices. Even so, we need to stay strong with the belief in ourselves.

The smallest of steps can be the start of the some of the biggest and best journeys. So, " Take a risk and put your true heart's desire into action."

Combating the Fear of Failure

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